Fair Representation

A true representative democracy will not be realized until the rules and structures for determining representation are reconfigured to redistribute power to the entire electorate, so that communities choose who represents them. As such, the Foundation invests in redistricting reform to remedy the severe gerrymandering prevalent in Great Lakes states and to identify solutions to other laws that undermine voters’ ability to determine who represents them.

Goal: Representation is determined by the electorate in a fair, transparent, and accountable process.


  • Support adoption and implementation of fair redistricting policies and practices within the Great Lakes states.
    • We will support proactive efforts to achieve reform, as well as implementation in states that have adopted redistricting reform to help them run effectively and to learn from their experiences. We will also support defensive work to push back against gerrymandering and other efforts to draw districts behind closed doors.
  • Identify, assess, and recommend reforms for other laws or policies that undermine voters’ ability to determine who represents them.
    • Redistricting is only one component of representation. There are other structures that stand in the way of voters truly getting to choose who represents them, such as poorly conceived term limits and the Electoral College. This initiative will reach beyond redistricting to assess what other structures undermine voter choice and determine the best ways to correct the problems.

Democracy Desk: Insights from Joyce's Annual Midwest Democracy Grantees Convening

Joyce’s Democracy program welcomed 40 leaders from organizations across the Great Lakes for Midwest Democracy Convening. State delegations shared insights from their spring elections, recent voting policy changes and concerns leading up to November.

Policy Watch

Landmark settlement in lawsuit against Wisconsin fraudulent electors scheme

Two Joyce Foundation grantees recently reached settlement agreements in a legal case seeking to hold accountable individuals who played a key role in a scheme to submit a fraudulent slate of electors from Wisconsin in the 2020 presidential election.

Policy Watch

Democracy Advocates Achieve Fair Maps Victory in Wisconsin

Wisconsin achieves a huge victory with the enactment of fair maps. This victory for Wisconsin voters is the result of many years of advocacy and litigation by nonpartisan watchdog groups that took the fight for fair maps to the Supreme Court.


Democracy Desk: Key themes to watch this election year

the first installment of Democracy Desk, an election year series highlighting key issues throughout the Great Lakes region, and spotlighting the work of our grantee partners to ensure free, fair, accessible, safe, and trusted elections.


Joyce Democracy Grantees Ramp Up Great Lakes Voter Education, Protection Efforts

Democracy nonpartisan organizations working to get out the vote in Great Lakes region.